Just 8 days left, then I’m going home.

Sophomore year’s been interesting so far. Luckily, I didn’t really experience the dreaded ‘sophomore slump.’ This may have been because my classes were dramatically different in both content and style compared to last year. It may have also been me being a bit more involved on campus, comparatively. Either way, sophomore year, up till now, has been a welcome change from freshman year (the end of which was just a blur of papers, exams, and take out).

Which is weird in a way. Because I was definitely more excited about my first year, seeing how it was supposed to be ‘life changing’ and what not. But in hindsight, my first two semesters here were all about being thrown into the deep end. I’d never travelled completely alone internationally before, never lived alone for significant periods of time, never not had family around constantly.
And while they proved to be pretty transformative, they were also perhaps a little overwhelming. This year I think I’m just a little more equipped to handle such change/pressure.
For one, I’m a little more comfortable doing things on my own, unsupported. Counting on close friends and family for support wasn’t even something I knew I did till I couldn’t. And not having that crutch was really unsettling in the beginning.
But it’s not anymore. And that’s pretty great.