I realize I’m a bit behind schedule on making this blog an amazingly dynamic and up to date digital record of my life as a newly minted Bryn Mawr sophomore, but by virtue of that very fact, I have simply been swamped. But unlike before in high school and the better part of freshman fall semester, I actually think I’m actually beginning to learn how to manage it. (As an important side note; should anyone be feeling like they’re in workload quicksand, please, reach out to anyone; friends, family, the health center, peer mentors, deans, customs people, hall advisors, or even your professors. You do not have to do this alone and there are tons of people around willing to help especially since many have been trained to work with exactly this kind of issue. And of course, privacy and confidentiality are confirmed.) So far, I’m just about on track with most of the work I have due and a large part of that I think, just comes with the genuine enthusiasm I have for my classes this semester, a topic I will talk about in another post.
I realize I’m jumping ahead here. My name is Fatema Sheikh, I’m an international student from Pakistan thinking of a Growth and Structures of Cities major with perhaps a minor in Film Studies. This blog is a means of you getting to know me as the semester progresses and I can only hope to return the favor (which basically means if you see me on campus and want to have a conversation or even one just want to have a conversation here in the comments, I would be more than happy to do so.) Here’s to an eventful sophomore year.